The 360 Degree Feedback Method

Our first guest blog is from Sophie Eagan of 360 Appraisal

“Feedback in business is not something new, many companies use customer feedback to improve areas of their company, they have done this for many years! The 360 degree feedback method is slightly different. The multi-rater feedback system was used by 90% of Fortune 500 companies in 2003, this figure has risen and is now considered to be a highly effective performance tool.

How It Works

360 Degree feedback is a tool which evaluates feedback from workers (employees), superiors, customers and subordinates. These are also confidential surveys and nobody will be able to see each other’s score or answers/feedback. The surveys are then given back to management after they have been completed, the results then get tallied up and a results sheet is produced. The workers can then see from the results where they need to set goals and self-improvement goals, this gives them great feedback from all perspectives, this also means they can use this to improve their career and set higher targets and goals where they need to improve.

How Is The Feedback Used?

When completed and done properly, the 360 degree feedback method can be used for a personal development tool. The feedback gives people ample opportunity to improve in certain areas and progress in their career, feedback gives the recipient insight on how others in the workplace perceive them and how they can improve on that.

What a 360 Degree Feedback Measures

  • Behaviours and competencies
  • Feedback on how other staff perceive that particular employee
  • Addresses skills such as listening, goal-setting and also planning
  • Teamwork, character and leadership qualities

What a 360 Degree feedback does NOT Cover

  • Not a way to measure employee performance objectives
  • Not a way to find out whether employee is meeting basic job objectives
  • Is not focussed on specific job skills
  • Does not measure attendance, sales quotas etc.

Is This For You

Personally, I believe every company with many employees should give the 360 degree method a try. It will not only benefit the company and build more trust but will also give you an indication of what is going on inside your business. If you want the best out of your staff this is one way to go about doing that, as they see their progress as it is stands they can improve themselves a lot quicker and correct areas they are weaker in. 360 degree feedback is a proven scientific system that is backed by many of the big boys in HR. How about giving it a go? Any comments or questions please feel free to ask below, I welcome them.

Author: Sophie has worked in HR since leaving school; she is a strong believer in the 360 degree method and believes every company should give it a try. If you would like to contact Sophie, you can do so by visiting her company site.