Problems business owners face

Problems business owners face.

As a business owner you will face problems, lots of them!

And you will know that the problems faced by business owners are rarely clearly defined.

Take for instance this issue – The company is experiencing a drop in sales.

It could be caused by any of these components of the sales and marketing mix:

1. Product – not fit for the market.
2. Price – inappropriate for the sector.
3. Promotions – the message isn’t getting heard by the target audience.
4. Place – the products or services aren’t found in the right place.
5. Process – the customer journey is complex and confusing.
6. Physical evidence – there is insufficient evidence to support claims made.
7. People – the entire team are not aligned to the customer’s needs.

To many, it looks like the problem is a sales and or a marketing problem!

Business owners problems 1








However, it’s rarely that simple. It most probably transcends departmental boundaries.

It’s typically bigger than the sales department. See the image below:

Business owners problems 2









If you have such a problem, do give me a call and together we can find a solution. No matter how complicated the problem may appear.

Call me on 0117 230 3166 for a no obligation, fee free call.

#marketing #businessadvice #businessowners