Coaching – a totally safe space for challenging sticky thinking

I’ve got a secret, well hundreds of them. And I suspect so have you. And so has everyone else for that matter.

We all have secrets. Some little ones and some really, really big ones.

Don’t worry, this post is not going to ask you to reveal your secrets. This space is not the place for that.

But revealing your secrets, those dark thoughts that limit your life’s progress, could be a way to banishing them. Or even to start the process of diminishing their impact on your life.

I’m not a coach. I have not completed the necessary learning to deliver great coaching. I do however really value what it can do for people.

When I was talking to John Holden recently he discussed the value of coaching, the process, the outcomes, the areas to focus on etc. John is a fully qualified coach and has the personal and business experience to back up his thinking and support his insights. He told me that the most important element of coaching was to create that sense of safety within which the coaching exchange operates.

This really resonated with me as one of the reasons for my not having a coach was the fear that what I revealed in the sessions would get into the public domain. Most worryingly into my work place and that might well and truly scupper my reputation. Something I had worked hard to create.

What about you? Has your coach created that safe space or are you holding back from coaching as you don’t trust the space into which the coaching happens.